Wallace and Gromit...
A D!crosoft 2020 "freeware" document!

To celebrate our recent court victory (see last issue), as well as the renaming of "D!crosoft" to "D!crosoft 2020" we are very pleased to give away - completely free of charge - this money saving (and potentially money spinning and completely royalty-free) file!

Evidently you can now buy keyfobs of your favourite Wallace and Gromit characters to carry around with you, these sell for a couple of quid, but using this document you can create your own, almost for nothing!

The keyfobs are exactly the same figured as those found in Kelloggs Cornflakes and Rice Crispies a short while ago, and the same figures are being sold at Woolworth's in sets of four for three quid a time.

All you have to do is buy a packet of eye-hooks, these are basically loops of metal with a screw-thread on them so that you can screw them into a wall to provide a loop where you can then hang your net curtains or whatever, these sell for approximately 79p a packet from Wilko's.

Take one of these hooks and screw it firmly into the head of your free or cheap-from-Woolworths Wallace and Gromit figure, and hey presto, you have created a Wallace and Gromit keyfob for a fraction of the cost!

You can now sell these for 1.50-2.00 quid each at your local car-boot sale and make a fortune, or just have one on your keyfob and look extra cool and trendy! You can also create characters that are not available in key-fob form, like Gromit and Preston!

Remember where you heard it first...

This was a D!crosoft 2020 public information document!